Who is a female role model in your life and why? My mother has been a role model to me. She has brought a lot of joy to myself and others. For example, when she was in her mid sixties, she led a line dancing class for senior women. They would perform in nursing homes and at a summer arts festival. Her group brought a lot of joy to the nursing home residents and the women in the group had a lot of fun themselves.
How can you be strong and vulnerable? Being vulnerable is risky. It takes courage, which is basically a strength of heart, to be vulnerable. When I am secure in myself and know that I have value, it’s easier to be open about who I really am, weaknesses and all.
Laurie’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100?
My mother lives very far away from me. I wanted to bring joy to her day. She likes getting things in the mail. I spent $20 to send my mother macadamia nuts which she very much enjoys eating. My sister has been having some very painful and debilitating health issues for several months. I spent $40 to send her a care package. It included a book she likes, a cute zippered bag, some cough drops to ease the dryness of her mouth and a card. My mother and sister live so far away I don’t get to see them very often. I call and text but enjoyed being able to bring them joy despite the miles between us.
Kristen’s friend Heather is blessing so many in Niger, Africa, I decided to send her the balance of the money along with an additional $100 from my husband and I. Heather is working many hours to help so many others and I hope this gift encourages her. I know she will use it wisely whether for personal needs or to help others.
What was the ‘Intentional Act of Kindness’ process like for you? It was an honor to be a part of it. It helped me be more intentional in looking for opportunities to bless others. I received joy in being able to encourage them. My husband and I are planning on giving $100 to a friend of mine so she can experience the “Intentional Act of Kindness” process also.