What does "being strong" mean to you?To me, being strong is being steadfast. Whether it’s having hope for a better future while navigating a difficult current moment or keeping your heart soft when life has broken it, being strong is trusting that goodness is always around the corner.
What keeps you strong in times of trial? The fact that I’ve always gotten back up when hard times have knocked me down. Sometimes, it takes me longer to get up than other times but I trust that I’ll be able to get up again - just like I have in the past.
Who is a female role model in your life and why? My mom, hands down! Despite her personal trials, she’s always remained loving. She’s strong, yet gentle. Independent, yet generous. It’s an honor to have her as my blueprint.
How do you encourage other women to be strong? I think women are inherently strong. I encourage women to always remember that you hold gifts and superpowers that only you have. Stand in your unique power.
What advice would you give to the next generation of strong women? You’re going to often wish you chose the “you” thing over the “cool thing.” Practice now being brave and choosing what’s most authentic to you.
Janae’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? I divided the amount between two of the many, many people who have been extensively generous to me as I’ve navigated some big transitions. Their kindness has been life-changing for me, so I wanted to show my sincere appreciation for how they consistently support me in my life.
What was the 'Intentional Act of Kindness' process like for you? I’m so grateful for it! A small act of kindness always makes a big difference in someone’s life. This exercise has inspired me to make a consistent, daily practice of being generous to others.