How have your trials made you stronger? Trials have given me experience to grow from, lessons to learn in the midst, and testimonies to share to those around me who go through similar things. One of the biggest lies we believe is that we are alone in different situations. We feel so much shame and guilt that we don’t even talk about certain trials going on. But once we are honest with each other and realize that we aren’t alone in certain situations, that’s when there is so much power and freedom to learn from one another and power for God to work.
What advice would you give to the next generation of strong women? I would say lead out of vulnerability and humility. There is so much power in vulnerability. It can be scary, but it’s worth it. Never think that you have it all together. Be honest with yourself and with others. Walk in constant gratitude and thankfulness. Know who your identity is in and lead in godly confidence.
Kirsten’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? I gave $100 to my dear friend, Sorenbeni, in Bangalore, India. She is someone I worked with and ministered alongside when I lived in India for eight months. I felt that God put her on my heart specifically to bless. Sorenbeni is one of the hardest workers I know and lately she has been feeling discouraged. I felt like God wanted to use me to show her that He sees her, He loves her, and that He wanted to surprise and bless her. She barely makes enough money to live off of and I wanted her to feel like God cares about not just what we need in life but also the things we dream of.
What was the ‘Intentional Act of Kindness’ process like for you? It was REALLY special to be a part of such an intentional act! It was a joy to seek and ask God who He wanted to bless. And it blessed me to bless others. Wow, I love the heart of generosity and this has inspired me to be more generous with what I have and to invest in other people’s lives!