What keeps you strong in times of trial? I have had a close group of friends that originated in 4th grade and have continued to accumulate over the years. This group is my go to group of women in times of trial who always know how to best support me whether that means gathering for a weekend of fun or telling me what I need to hear when I need to hear it.
Who is a female role model in your life and why? My female role model is Julia Hjelte. She is vulnerable and strong and continues to grow as a person. Not many people continuously seek out ways to grow emotionally and intellectually the way Julia does. She has helped me in many ways recognize areas I need to grow in while always lifting me up and finding the good in me and everyone around her. She’s simply the best!
How do you encourage other women to be strong? I try to encourage others to be strong by showing them it is okay to put themselves first and sometimes that is what is needed to be strong for others.
Taylor’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? I used the $100 to gift my friends a drink at dinner to celebrate our friendship and celebrate everyone being together.
What was the 'Intentional Act of Kindness' process like for you? Honestly, it was challenging to decide the best way to use the money. I wanted to make it perfect and for the best use. I am glad I chose to use it on my closest friends and share the love and joy of this project with others.