What does "being strong" mean to you? At this point in my life, "being strong" correlates to endurance. Remaining in the Lord, staying the course regardless of culture, environment, challenges, setbacks, discouragement and loneliness.
How did family shape your perception of strength? Like most kids, when I was young, I continually had new ideas of what I wanted to be when I grew up. When a new idea came to mind, I'd share it with my dad. I wanted to be a teacher, a valet, a Nascar driver, a nurse, an attorney, a judge, a baker, a mom, a professional basketball player ... the list went on and on. Each time I presented a new idea, my dad responded the same: We need Christian women in ____________(fill in the blank). So my conclusion was not that I could do anything I wanted but rather that Christ-in-me was critical in whatever I did. Without lecturing, my dad helped me to see that strength comes by following Jesus in all I do.
What keeps you strong in times of trial? In my hardest years of trial -- parenting three young children, separated from extended family, limited supports, relational tensions, managing extreme behaviors, exhaustion and depression -- I found renewal by pulling away by myself to refresh. In this period of my life, it was usually 4 hours early Saturday morning. Mark 6:31 says, "Come with me by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest." And my favorite verse is Matthew 11:28-31 "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Because my strength is in the Lord, apart from him and get tired, weary, overwhelmed and depressed. So these times of refreshing have been critical.
Liz’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? I sent $100 in the mail to my friend who just discovered she's pregnant with a son with Down syndrome. Having a son with Down syndrome and KNOWING how beautiful life is with DS, I was celebrating while her heart grieves. I understand her response to the unknown. It's familiar. And I know without a doubt, she will feel differently when she meets her son! I decided to send her $100 for a massage -- it's so important that she take care of herself emotionally and physically through her pregnancy. And they are a very hard working family (in ministry) making ends meets with very little margin. I believe wholeheartedly this will bless her as they continue to process this gift they are being given -- a son who needs two parents who love him like crazy.
What was the 'Intentional Act of Kindness' process like for you? I had several individuals come to mind -- but my heart was compelled to encourage my grieving friend who had just received a DS diagnosis. My prayer is she will soon find delight in the wonder growing inside her and feel surrounded by support through this journey. It's just the beginning of an amazing life.