What does "being strong" mean to you? Willingness to acknowledge weakness & need turning first to God for the strength, wisdom and direction needed. A strong person takes responsibility and ownership of their attitudes and actions. They also are able to forgive others when wronged instead of holding on to hurts. A strong person seeks to grow and mature through both the good and difficult circumstances of life.
What keeps you strong in times of trial? Trusting in God’s faithfulness and the promises in His Word. Knowing God is sovereignly in control over all aspects of my life I can rest in the fact that He will bring good out of any situation. He promised we’d have trials but that He would be with us in them. It’s about allowing God to work in us and through us. The following quote by Elisabeth Elliott sums it up, “ The fact is, as believers, it is not about us. It is not about my happiness, my joy, my wellbeing. It is about the glory of God and the kingdom of Christ. The only means to real joy and contentment is to make His glory the supreme objective in my life”
How have your trials made you stronger? What stands out is the year of 2012. During that year there were 5 deaths and 7 instances of crime. 6 of the crimes were in or near my home. There was something every week for a two month period. I saw God’s faithfulness and protection. When my front door was kicked in and also when my car was stolen, a dear friend was staying at my place, neighbors came over to help. It was nice not to be alone. No one was harmed...just things.
God drew my attention to scriptures, devotionals, songs and a book that gave me a different perspective of the trials. The tendency is to dread them and see them as an awful thing to be endured. God taught me to see them as His gifts wrapped in an unexpected package and to look for His purpose in them. Maybe a lesson to learn, character to be developed, a deeper relationship with Him, the opportunity to share God’s faithfulness with an unbeliever that wouldn’t necessarily be interested in hearing about God otherwise. I did feel that I emerged from that period with a different perspective and increased strength..
Who is a female role model in your life and why? I have known Liz Ostby for about 51 years. She is one that has been faithful to the Lord and His Word and always has words of wisdom or insight to share. She sees spiritual lessons in everyday circumstances and in the world God has created. Even though Liz has walked with the Lord for many years she continues to learn and grow. She knows how to laugh, have a good time, relax and read a good book. At age 86 she is still walking half marathons annually, learning to do new things, sets goals as to what she wants to accomplish in the coming year. She chooses not to be limited by her age but continues to be active serving God and being a blessing to others.
What advice would you give to the next generation of strong women? It’s about making the right choices. What is the main focus and priority? What do we fill our mind with? Make it a priority to ready/study/obey God’s Word. Cultivate an intimate relationship with the Lord and allow Him to build strength and other qualities in your life.
Cheryl’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? I gave the full $100 to a friend with Parkinsons to help her with the high cost of the medication prescribed for her. This new medication is very costly. She is a faithful Christian that continues to trust and serve God. Among other things she is involved in discipleship and prayer ministries even with the limitations of the Parkinsons disease and other unrelated health issues. I wanted to be able to help her in her time of need.
What was the 'Intentional Act of Kindness' process like for you? It's always a blessing to be in a position to be able to help someone whether it be a friend, casual acquaintance or perfect stranger. My friend was thankful to be receiving the funds to help her in her time of need. It gave me pleasure to be able to help her in this way.