How have your trials made you stronger? My trials have played a huge part in developing who I am today. They’ve built into my life passion, perseverance, and deeper character change that has gone far beyond the surface behavior change I could ever have changed on my own. And with each trial it has deepened my relationship with Jesus and because of that, has in turn, made me stronger.
What advice would you give to the next generation of strong women? You are enough. Don’t compromise who you are for someone else's opinion or love. In today’s society, there are plenty of apps, social media forums, and magazines that will gladly define you if you let it. Know where and who your self-worth and value comes from. Embrace your weaknesses and allow them to make you strong and build your character.
Rachel’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100?
$50: I chose to spend the first $50 on gas for someone to go see their loved one in the hospital 3 hours away. His wife was just admitted to the ICU and money was tight for them. As I was speaking to him, I felt like I was supposed to help out in some way.
$50: For the second $50, I chose to bless some foster care families within my community. I bought 3 gift cards ( 2-$15 and 1-$20) to give to foster moms. Fostering can be a lonely gig. It’s hard to parent a child that you will love forever, but have to say goodbye to. They bless so many kids, that I wanted to in some way return that blessing to them.
What was the ‘Intentional Act of Kindness’ process like for you? It was truly an honor participating in the Intentional Act of Kindness! It made me pause and really think about how I could be intentionally kind to those around me. It took the focus off me and opened my eyes to the needs of those around me. And even though the $100 has run out, I’m still going to look for ways in which I can be intentionally kind to those inside and outside of my community.