Who is a female role model in your life and why? I am blessed to come from a long line of very strong women. There are so many women in my life who I could mention but someone who has been my role model throughout my life is my sister. She has always held an unwavering sense of self. I go to her for advice probably every single day. She is discerning, hospitable, and a woman of integrity. From marriage, motherhood, friendship, and faith, she has modeled so much, so well.
How can you be strong and vulnerable? To be human is to be vulnerable. That's just part of our humanity - and it causes us to constantly be looking for a stronghold; something that makes us feel more secure. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a goal to achieve - but all those things are temporary. To me, that is what is so beautiful about faith and a relationship with God. In recognizing my weakness and accepting that in my humanity, I can't do life leaning on my own strength, I get to glean from His strength. A strength that's never ending and never failing.
Sarah’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? I gave it to the pastor’s family of a church who, due to COVID-19, has lost their church building and many of their resources. I feel churches provide so much hope which is so needed, especially in these times. Pastors and their families give so much of themselves, their own resources, all their energy into others.
What was the ‘Intentional Act of Kindness’ process like for you? So fun! And thought provoking. So many of the questions really caused me to search my heart and dig deeper!