What does ‘being strong’ mean to you?: Simply put: the power to endure. When struggles arise and you fall, do you get back up and keep going, or do you stop and become defeated? Strength is enduring the obstacles and continuing on to grow and develop, regardless of if that’s physically, mentally, or spiritually.
How did family shape your perception of strength? Family of origin drastically affects how you perceive the world and therefore respond to it. Our brains respond in ways to keep us safe and that is mostly learned via family of origin. When trials and tribulations occur what you saw modeled is usually how you yourself will respond until you are aware enough to consciously make an effort and decide otherwise.
How can you be strong and vulnerable? There is power in vulnerability, truly! They are actually better together than one without the other. Allowing others to see the vulnerable human side is what joins us. Regardless of people’s viewpoints or opinions, we all share the same emotions and sharing those emotions creates connection. It takes strength to be willing to take that risk though and open those hidden sides, but when you do, you discover that you are actually far from alone.
What’s one thing someone could do today to make them stronger? “What motivates you to get back up and continue?” I personally have tended to be more internally motivated; so when I fall, my way of thinking is “life goes on whether I stay down or not.” I have a choice to dwell in my “pit” or get up and take one step at a time keeping my gaze on what’s right in front of me.
Christie’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? I decided to spilt the funds up and give it randomly. A few times I bought the Starbucks orders of the people behind me in line, and also bought groceries for a single mother. I enjoy random acts of kindness where for most of the acts, people don’t actually know that someone is doing it until it happens and I remain anonymous.
What was the 'Intentional Act of Kindness' process like for you? It felt really good knowing that I could help make someone’s day by doing a simple act.