How did/does family shape your perception of strength? I perceived strength to be the ability to get your way or influence decisions to be favorable to you. In my family of origin, the person who was the loudest or the most stubborn was most likely to get their way. This led me to believe that I had to make things happen for myself and that ultimately everyone was out for their own best interest. It also led me to never want to be the “weaker” partner in a marriage.
In my own marriage, I have learned that these tendencies of mine from my family of origin are toxic and destructive to a mutually flourishing marriage. It sounds silly but it still blows my mind that my husband regularly seeks out things that are for my own best interest. Through my husband’s example, I am learning that leading out of humility and being vulnerable can be incredibly powerful. I am so grateful that my marriage is challenging and changing what I perceive strength to be.
Who is a female role model in your life and why? My grandmother. She modeled a life of faithfulness to Jesus in the face of impossible circumstances. She refused to renounce her faith in Jesus during Japanese occupation (Korea was annexed by Japan for 30 years. While many atrocities were committed, the persecution of Christians was the most severe). When newly formed North Korea revealed freedom of religion would no longer be allowed, she left everything (e.g., her family/friends, ancestral land, wealth/privilege, a comfortable life) to flee to South Korea where she could worship God freely. In South Korea, she lived decades in abject poverty in a refugee camp and continued to believe in a good and faithful God (while losing children to death and poverty). She believed this God was so good, so faithful, indeed—the source of life itself, that he was worth losing everything for. He was worth it all.
In her life, I also see the incredible faithful of God in providing, protecting, and blessing her descendants. I have been so blessed beyond words to intimately know the same God, but also, to be a recipient of such immeasurable grace in Jesus and incredible tangible blessings.
She was a woman of faith, of strength. A woman who lived a life of surrendered trust to a God who showed himself good, faithful and worthy of it all.
Rose’s Intentional Act of Kindness
How did you use the $100? My heart is just broken for those that are hurting and suffering right now. My hope was that these funds would help bring hope to others.
I gave $38.01 to Korean American Family Services to help fund and maintain a 24/7 crisis hotline, which has doubled in calls from domestic violence victims sequestered at home with their abusers due to COVID-19 restrictions. As a Korean American survivor of domestic violence, I yearn for others who are struggling with domestic violence and brokenness to find hope.
I spent $11.99 to purchase a book for a young woman. I came across a Facebook post on a mommy group where a young woman I did not know shared her hurts and pains about being a new mother to two young children. My heart broke for her and I really desired to share with her the hope and comfort I had in Jesus. I had a difficult time engaging her via Messenger, however, since we were both so busy with our children. But she was very interested in reading a book I recommended. It gave me a lot of joy to purchase and send her a copy of Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments.
I contributed $50 to a friend who is starting a YouTube channel focused on making Bible teaching more accessible to millennials. With all that is going on, I believe more than ever that our eyes need to be pointed back to the hope that can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus. Also, due to COVID-19, he is currently without a job. It gave me a lot of joy to give to a friend who I knew and deeply trusted.
What was the ‘Intentional Act of Kindness’ process like for you? I was surprised by how strongly I desired to engage in long and careful consideration over the spending of the $100. Perhaps because I felt I was spending on someone else’s behalf, I really wanted my giving to be heartfelt and deeply meaningful. There were times where this exercise felt like a burden (because of my limited availability). But, having gone through the exercise process, I’ve grown not only in knowing myself but also in knowing what brings me joy. Thank you for this opportunity to participate. It has been such a blessing!